November 16, 2007

Daniel Johnston - Rediscovered, Repressed!

Okay people. I am continually rethinking if anybody is actually reading this, but I would love to bring to your attention this pressing matter. Hehe I just made a pun. You dont even know.

Anyway, the beloved Daniel Johnston, who I have the once-in-a-lifetime pleasure of seeing in Los Angeles in August of 2007, has been reissued on vinyl! His albums "Hi How are you?" and "Yip Jump Music" have been repressed on vinyl, which is welcome news for those of us that were considering forking over $100 for Hi How are You? on Evil-Bay. You can find it here, or at the following Link to Daniel's online store. On a related note, if you dont know Daniel's story, try to watch/rent/purchase "The Devil and Daniel Johnston" a documentary on the song writer's life.

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